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Wellbeing affects most aspects of a child’s capacity to thrive and is an important factor that impacts learning and development outcomes.

Our students take part in learning activities and programs designed to build their knowledge of strategies to grow their resilience, self-confidence and relationship skills as part of the School’s Care program.ÌýÌý

Contributing to the positive care experience of Primary students happens daily at St Stephen’s School. Teachers and support staff encourage the development and strengthening of support networks for students with a range of learning experiences in-class, across year groups and within Houses. Students are equipped with strategies, peer and staff supports to build positive friendships and relationships as they progress through School.Ìý

Our House system creates a sense of belonging for staff and students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12. Students are assigned to a House upon enrolment and remain in the same House throughout their schooling which aligns with the School’s community approach.Ìý

Students go through a range of emotional and developmental stages during their schooling, and we understand each requires a different approach and understanding.Ìý

Our team of highly-qualified School Psychologists are an important resource for parents, families and students, with members based at each campus in both Primary and Secondary.Ìý

They offer specialist advice and intervention in relation to behavioural, learning, cognitive and personal development. Our Psychologists are proactively involved in School life, hosting seminars and community events focused on care and wellbeing.Ìý

Each campus also has a fully-trained Nurse onsite to ensure students’ safety, health and wellbeing. They are familiar with students’ conditions and have action plans in place. Our Nurses are also informed and trained in the latest information and treatments.Ìý

Anti-Bullying Policy

Every student has the right to feel safe. Whether physical, social, verbal or online, St Stephen’s School has zero-tolerance when it comes to bullying.Ìý

The School’s stance against bullying starts with a preventative approach that uses a variety of policies and programs to educate, inform and support out students and staff, all of whom have the right to a safe and caring environment.Ìý

In any instance, the School prides itself on being responsive to all incidents that are reported and works with students, families and staff towards restorative outcomes.Ìý

For more information about ¶¶Òõ¹Ù·½ÏÂÔØ’s bullying policies or to report any behaviour, please contact the School Deans or Deputies of Care.Ìý

Current parents can access more detailed information on the .Ìý
